Emergency Preparedness

Emergency Operations Planning

Emergency Preparedness is something everyone should be thinking about. Here at Fremont County Department of Public Health & Environment we develop and maintain Emergency Operations Plans so that we are prepared in case of a Public Health emergency. We work with other agencies in our county and in our region to preform drills and exercises yearly to test our preparedness capabilities.

For information on how you can be prepared for an emergency, such as putting together a 72 hour Go Kit, please visit www.ready.gov.

Medical Reserve Corps

Are you interested in Volunteering for your community? Do you and your family want to be better prepared in case of an emergency?

Join the Fremont County Medical Reserve Corps (MRC).

What is the MRC of Fremont County?

Fremont County Medical Reserve Corps’ (FCMRC) mission is to establish a team of local volunteers, medical and non-medical, to contribute their skills and expertise to assure the health and safety of Fremont County residents throughout the year as well as during times of community need.

FCMRC is used to supplement emergency services when a disaster is of a magnitude that overwhelms those existing resources as well as providing volunteers to help staff Alternate Care Facilities when the hospital requests this service.

What is the purpose of the MRC?

  • Recruit, train, and educate volunteers, medical and non-medical
  • Ensure credentialing of volunteers
  • Assist with surge personnel needs for hospitals, Red Cross, and Public Health
  • Integrate volunteers and first responders for emergency  response
  • Provide volunteer staff for an Alternate Care Facility
  • Provide Medical Treatment at Mass Care Shelters
  • Provide First Aide Stations at large community events
  • Ensure immunity protection for volunteers.

Why join the Medical Reserve Corp?

Historically, medical personnel and citizens spontaneously volunteer following emergencies or disasters. Spontaneous volunteers are often unfamiliar with local emergency response systems and may not be as effective in the provision of emergency medical services as members of organized response groups.

The MRC provides an opportunity for local healthcare professionals and others to strengthen communities by being pre-identified and prepared to respond as a volunteer.

The pre-registering and pre-credentialing of volunteers allows the MRC to match the skills of the volunteers to the needs of the emergency. This increases the efficiency of volunteer assignments and reduces the time required to process volunteers when there is little time.

Have Questions About Fremont County Public Health?

Contact Fremont County Department of Public Health & Environment