Colorado Office of Economic Development and International Trade
Support Resources for Colorado Businesses
Colorado Office of Economic Development and International Trade - When companies choose to do business here, they know they can tap into Colorado’s exceptional economic advantages. What they discover is our invigorated workforce, world-class research and development facilities, a location with global access, and collaboration with innovative executives and a business-friendly government.
Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act
The Treasury Department is Delivering COVID-19 Relief for All Americans. The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act and the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act of 2021 provide fast and direct economic assistance for American workers, families, and small businesses, and preserve jobs for American industries.
Small Business Guidance & Loan Resources
Helping Maintain Safety, Security, and Health
Coronavirus (COVID-19): Small Business Guidance & Loan Resources - Health and government officials are working together to maintain the safety, security, and health of the American people. Small businesses are encouraged to do their part to keep their employees, customers, and themselves healthy.
USDA Resources
Coronavirus and USDA Assistance for Farmer
We are committed to delivering USDA programs and services to America’s farmers and ranchers while taking safety measures in response to the coronavirus outbreak. USDA employees continue to assist agricultural producers with disaster assistance, conservation, safety net, and farm loan programs and services like conservation planning and acreage reporting while supporting flexibilities for producers and implementing the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Securities (CARES) Act.
Colorado PEAK®
To apply for TANF, Food Assistance or Medicaid
Colorado PEAK® is the fast and easy way to access benefit information - anytime and anywhere. PEAK is an online service for Coloradans to screen and apply for medical, food, cash, and early childhood assistance programs.
State of Colorado COVID-19 Symptom Checker
Tell Us How You Are Feeling
Feeling sick? Have a fever or cough? Not sure what to do? Use our symptom checker to report your symptoms and help public health build a better picture of how the novel coronavirus is spreading in Colorado. If you share your contact information, you can also choose to receive text messages.
We will check on you and your condition, point you towards resources to help you manage your symptoms, help you access medical care and services, and give you information about how to get tested if necessary.
V-safe After Vaccination Health Checker
Personalized Health Check-ins
Use your smartphone to tell CDC about any side effects after getting the COVID-19 vaccine. You’ll also get reminders if you need a second vaccine dose. V-safe is a smartphone-based tool that uses text messaging and web surveys to provide personalized health check-ins after you receive a COVID-19 vaccine.
Through v-safe, you can quickly tell CDC if you have any side effects after getting the COVID-19 vaccine. Depending on your answers, someone from CDC may call to check on you and get more information. V-safe will also remind you to get your second COVID-19 vaccine dose if you need one.
- Get vaccinated.
- Get your smartphone.
- Get started with v-safe.
Fremont County Department of Human Services
Variety of Assistance Programs Available
Fremont County Homeless Coalition
Helping Make Homelessness Rare, Brief, And Non-reoccurring
The Fremont County Homeless Coalition is based in Fremont County, Colorado. It consists of faith-based organizations and other organizations as well as local government and individuals that have interest in serving the Homeless community. The Coalition consists of faith based, government, individuals and other organizations that have interest in serving the Homeless community. The Coalition is open to everyone. The group has subcommittees for health, shelter and education.
Central Colorado Housing
Home Improvement Program (Housing Rehab)
This program provides affordable loans for low-income homeowners living in Fremont, Chaffee, Lake, Custer, or Teller counties. The loans are provided to repair owner-occupied homes. Central Colorado Housing (CCH) partners with the Colorado Division of Housing and the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program to provide assistance to homeowners.
Loaves and Fishes Ministries
Helping Fremont County Families and Individuals
Since 1984, Loaves and Fishes Ministries of Fremont County has been the primary resource in Canon City, Florence, Penrose and the surrounding areas for those in need. We believe in a holistic approach that deals with the spiritual, physical, relational and economic brokenness faced by those we serve. We believe in empowerment instead of handouts and strive to seek solutions that are lasting and manageable. This method requires patience and perseverance, but this approach always leads to healthier families and ultimately stronger communities.